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It’s a Boarding Pass… On Your Phone!

DL Boarding Pass-thumb-500x314-68006Passengers flying out of the Roanoke Regional Airport on United or Delta Airlines are now able to enjoy a new convenience. When checking in for a flight and prompted how you would like to receive your boarding pass – printed or electronically – the passenger can now select electronically and have it directly sent to his smart phone.

Passengers no longer have to keep up with paper when flying out of the Roanoke Regional Airport on United or Delta Airlines. A smart phone can be used to check your bags at the kiosk in the terminal, at the TSA screening checkpoint and at your gate, instead of having to keep up with a piece of paper, your identification, bags and other belongings.

This technology is exclusive to Roanoke Regional Airport in Southwest and Central Virginia. The airport commission is pleased these airlines are making this technical upgrade at a time when services throughout the terminal are being upgraded as well. The check in scanners along with the new technology bars in each of the gates and the free wireless internet is an indicator that the Roanoke Regional Airport is continuing to make strides in keeping up with the technology needs of its passengers.

The Roanoke Regional Airport is the primary commercial airport for Southwest Virginia; it serves more than 625,000 passengers per year with non-stop service to nine cities and one-stop access to nearly 500 cities around the world. The Roanoke Regional Airport Commission is responsible for an annual economic impact of nearly quarter of a billion dollars.

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