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Annual Clean Valley Day Scheduled For Saturday April 5

Participants from last years Clean Valley Day prepare to canvas their neighborhood.
Some younger participants from last years Clean Valley Day prepare to canvas their neighborhood.

With spring just around the corner, it is time to begin thinking about cleaning up our neighborhoods. The Clean Valley Council has announced the 35th annual Clean Valley Day is scheduled for Saturday, April 5, 2014. 

Roanokers are invited to spend the day outside with their neighbors helping to clean up our neighborhoods. Citizens provide the manpower and the Clean Valley Council provides the supplies to help clean up the area of your choice.

As in past years, neighborhood group participants will be part of the hundreds of cleanup volunteers dispersed throughout the Roanoke Valley to clean up their favorite spots. Some say they know it is spring when the orange collection bags start popping up all over town.

Without the help of these volunteers, much of this litter would be carried by wind or rain into local waterways where it can degrade or contaminate the ecosystem and possibly harm people and wildlife. Animals may mistake a plastic bag or cigarette butt as something tasty but quickly become ill. A leaking can of paint left in the woods may cause plant life around it to become scarce. And….the litter is just plain ugly. We live in a beautiful region and it just doesn’t make sense to spoil our home.

In addition to helping the environment and improving the beauty of our communities, Clean Valley Day also provides an excellent opportunity for helping to build the capacity of your neighborhood organization as neighborhood volunteers come together to achieve a common goal – cleaning up the neighborhood!

Pick your favorite block(s) or neighborhood spot in need of TLC, create a team, and register on-line at or you can click on the following link that will bring up the registration form…..  Those groups who register are eligible to receive trash bags and gloves for their volunteers.

Also please contact Solid Waste Mgr. Skip Decker (853-6848 or [email protected]) and advise him that your group will participate so that plans can be made to pick-up the debris you collect.

For more info, contact the Clean Valley Council at 345-5523 or visit their website at

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