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Virginia World War I and World War II Profiles of Honor Mobile Tour

On Saturday, October 28, 2017 from 9:00am-4:00pm Roanoke County Parks, Recreation and Tourism and the South County Library will host the Profiles of Honor Mobile Tour at the South County Library, located at 6303 Merriman Rd.

The Virginia World War I and World War II Profiles of Honor Tour brings an interactive exhibit to museums, libraries, and historic sites throughout Virginia. This FREE event brings to life the state’s integral  role in both wars, highlighting stories of Virginians who served in these conflicts.

As part of the tour, visitors are invited to bring their own WWI and WWII-related photographs to be scanned for inclusion in the Virginia Profiles of Honor project. This partnership with the Library of Virginia will help preserve the documents and stories of our veterans for generations.

The Roanoke 8th Air Force Fellowship, a local organization originally composed of returning World War II pilots and crews will also be attending the event to bring a greater perspective to visitors.

Even though the numbers of original members are dwindling, the group has continued to grow as former military members and enthusiasts from all services continue with the mission to keep the stories and experiences of these heroes alive.

Visitors will have the opportunity to meet WWII pilots and crew members, in addition to former Army and Navy veterans. The group will display personal service memorabilia, military uniforms and several military vehicles.

Included in the events for the day will be veteran’s clad in military gear and fashionable ladies in their 40’s attire. If guests find they may have a particular interest and they would like  to learn more, the library will have book displays featuring history delving into WWI and WWII.

The Virginia World War I and World War II Commemoration Commission was created by the General Assembly to plan, develop, and carry out programs and activities to commemorate the 100th anniversary of World War I and the 75th anniversary of World War II. It is a privilege to have this exhibit in Roanoke, Virginia.

For more information about Roanoke Virginia World War I and World War II Commemorative Events or The Virginia World War I and World War II Profiles of Honor Mobile Tour, please contact Wendi Schultz at 540.387.6078 ext 0 or email [email protected]

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