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Public Skate Season Kicks Off At Berglund Center on October 20th

The Berglund Center has announced Public Ice Skating for the 2019-2020 season. Local residents will once again have the opportunity to skate at the largest indoor Coliseum ice rink in Southwest Virginia as the Berglund Center opens their doors and allows customers to sharpen their ice skating skills for three hours on multiple afternoons during the winter season. This is a great event to bring the family together and make long-lasting memories.

Berglund Center’s Public Skating season kicks off on October 20, 2019 and will continue for at least 25 dates through March of 2020. The time frame will always be 2:00pm-5:00pm. Admission is $6 and skate rentals are $2.

The center will also be carrying on the tradition of their themed skate events. These afternoons will have a certain theme and bring an exciting twist to an already fun activity. This year includes:

  • Halloween 10/27: Come dressed in your costume and receive a free skate rental
  • Food Drive 11/24: Bring a can of food to be donated to Feeding America and receive a free skate rental
  • Carilion Children’s 12/15: Bring a toy to be donated to a child at Carilion Hospital and receive a free skate rental
  • Skate with the Dawgs 1/5: Wear Rail Yard Dawgs Gear + skate with the team and receive a free skate rental
  • Superheroes 1/26: Wear your favorite superhero costume and receive a free skate rental
  • Back to the 80’s 2/2: Dress up in your best 80’s gear and receive a free skate rental
  • Pink Skate 2/16: All skate rental funds will be donated to Susan G. Komen of Virginia’s Blue Ridge

For the full schedule of the Public Skate events, please visit

These themed events provide support for the community as well as bring the community together for a fun afternoon. Tickets are on sale now and are available at Berglund Center Box Office,, or by phone at 1-877-482-4896.

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