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Registration Open for SML Business Expo

Smith Mountain Lake Regional Chamber of Commerce officials have announced registration and sponsorship has opened for the 17th Smith Mountain Lake Business Expo, which will take place Friday, May 1 from noon to 4 p.m. at the Franklin County YMCA’s LakeWatch facility.

In addition to offering the opportunity to showcase products and services to hundreds of area businesses owners and the general public, Expo exhibitors may sign up to conduct a 20-minute educational seminar and participate in a post-event networking social.

“The seminars were a hit last year so we hope to build on that enthusiasm by adding additional slots,” said SMLRCC Special Events Director Cheryl Ward. “They take place in a private meeting space, and the format allows for people to learn and ask questions on a wide variety of topics. Time spaces are limited, though, so if business owners are interested in presenting, they should contact me right away.”

New this year for exhibitors will be boxed lunches provided prior to the event and a social hour at the conclusion, Ward said.

“During the Expo, most vendors are so busy they don’t have a chance for business-to-business networking,” Ward said. “The social hour will provide additional value by creating a chance to make personal contacts in a fun, relaxed atmosphere, much like our popular Business After Hours events.”

Ward said quick and easy online registration also is available this year.

“Sponsors and exhibitors may submit all of the necessary information and secure online payment right through our website,” she said. “It’s super easy and convenient.”

The Expo is free and open to the public, offering residents and visitors the opportunity to engage with Smith Mountain Lake-area business professionals eager to share information on their products and services, answer questions, offer demonstrations and provide literature and other materials.

Examples of industries expected to participate include medical, health and wellness, media, home and garden, financial, real estate, hospitality and construction. In addition, a number of clubs and civic organizations will be on hand.

Sponsorships in a variety of levels are available, providing such amenities as prime booth space, signage and other recognition, Ward said. Applications for sponsors and exhibitors are available online at Those interested may also contact Ward at 540-721-1203 or [email protected].

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