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SML Regional Chamber of Commerce Names New Member Relations and Events Manager

The Smith Mountain Lake Regional Chamber of Commerce (SMLRCC) today announced Erin Stanley will join the organization as its member relations and events manager on March 1.

“We are very excited to welcome Erin to the team in a time when she is needed most,” said SMLRCC Executive Director Christopher Finley. “She comes to the Chamber with 13 years of experience in account management and valuable expertise in marketing and branding that will truly benefit our members as we support our businesses in recovering from the pandemic and building resiliency for the future.”

Finley said the principal responsibilities of the newly created full-time position will be implementing member relations initiatives, including recruiting new members and executing an annual membership engagement plan. Stanley’s additional responsibilities will include the planning, operation, completion, sponsorship sales and management of SMLRCC events throughout the year, including the Business Expo, Chili Festival and the Wine Festival.

“I am thrilled to move into my dream position, supporting the regional business community through the SMLRCC,” stated Stanley. “I look forward to strengthening the social and economic environment and welcoming visitors to the unparalleled beauty of our region.”

Stanley is a native of Franklin County and graduate of Ferrum College. Her professional experience includes advertising, marketing, sales and business development positions at The Roanoke Times, Laker Media and WSLS-10 where she built strong relationships with business owners at Smith Mountain Lake, as well as in Roanoke, Lynchburg, Lexington and surrounding areas.

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