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Youngkin Says Adoption of Amendment SB739 Victory for Parents and Children Statewide

Governor Glenn Youngkin released the following statement after State Senator Chap Petersen’s Amendment to Senator Siobhan Dunnavant’s Senate Bill SB739 was adopted 29-9, creating a parental opt-out from local school mask mandates:

“In an overwhelming bipartisan show of support, the Senate of Virginia took a significant step today for parents and children. I applaud Senator Petersen’s amendment to give parents the right to decide whether their children should wear masks in schools. In the last week, we have seen Democrat-led states like Oregon, Connecticut, New Jersey, and Delaware move away from universal mask mandates in schools. I am pleased that there is bipartisan support for doing the same in Virginia. This shows that when we work across the aisle, we put Virginians first. I look forward to signing this bill when it comes to my desk,” said Governor Glenn Youngkin.

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