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Corps of Engineers Releases Philpott Lake Water Supply Reallocation Study

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers [Corps] has released a draft Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment on the reallocation of existing water storage at Philpott Lake.

The study was conducted through a request from the Henry County Public Service Authority, Henry County, Virginia to address current and future water supply needs for south-central Virginia. The study examines alternatives for the most cost-effective means of providing additional water, including actions other than reallocation, and their environmental impacts.

The Recommended Plan transfers approximately 5,200 acre-feet or 4.0 million gallons of water storage per day from Philpott Lake to municipal and industrial water supply for Henry County over a 50-year period (2023-2072). This reallocation constitutes approximately 3.58 percent of the total active storage at the reservoir. There will be no impacts to the authorized purposes of Flood Risk Management and Low Flow Augmentation at the lake, except for what the Corps describes as “a minor impact to hydropower generation.”

The Corps is seeking public review and comment on the Recommended Plan. The release of this draft study begins a 30-day period, during which the public and agencies can submit comments. A public information meeting will be jointly held by the Corps and the Henry County Public Service Authority during the review period. Additional information will be provided concerning the time, location, and format for this meeting.

Once the review period closes on August 29, 2022, the Corps will respond to comments received, and incorporate comments and responses, into a final report. If the final report is approved, then a water storage agreement will be signed between the Federal government and the Henry County Public Service Authority.

A copy of the draft document is available at:

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