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DEVOTIONAL: God Guides Us Step By Step

Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do. –Acts 9:6 (NIV)

Do you ever feel lost or disoriented in the dark? With our smartphones today we have a handy flashlight, but in ancient times, people carried a small oil lamp that cast a weak glow around one’s feet.

A wise believer once was talking about Psalm 119:105. “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” He explained, “With all the uncertainties of life, we often want a high-powered flashlight that can illuminate 100 yards in front of us, so we can see what’s ahead.

But, the Bible compares the Scriptures and God’s guidance to an oil lamp. You hold it in your hand, and it just lights a small circle around you, enough to brighten a step or two. When you take one step forward, the circle of light goes forward a bit too, and step by step, you have just enough light to guide you bit by bit.”

In Acts 9 we read how Saul was converted from being a persecutor of the early Christians to becoming a follower and servant of Jesus. Struck blind, Saul realized God was speaking to him. The resurrected Christ told him “get up…go into the city…you will be told what you must do.”

Notice that Saul (later renamed Paul) didn’t get a detailed, 10-year plan. He was basically told “Get off the ground, go into town, and await further instructions.” Paul went on to have an amazing life which included writing about half of the New Testament. However, it started with a couple of baby steps.

You may not be in physical but metaphorical darkness in your life now, seeking light and guidance.  These verses encourage you to follow the light you have, use faith to obey, and just take the next step you sense God leading you to. Once you get there, the next step will become apparent. Some churches issue bumper sticker with small text: “We Hope You Follow Jesus This Closely.” That’s not only humorous, but it’s also a good life lesson.



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