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The Ultimate Guide to Women’s Eye Health: 7 Tips You Should Know

We women face a higher risk of blindness and other vision problems compared to men. According to research from the American Academy of Ophthalmology women are more likely to develop sight-threatening conditions like cataracts, glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) as opposed to men. Luckily, there are ways we can prevent eye conditions from developing. 

Here are 7 tried and tested ways to improve women’s eye health.

1. Be mindful of supplements you take

Vitamin deficiencies are a common cause of eye problems. Which begs the question: Should you take vitamins or supplements to meet your daily or weekly nutrient requirements? There are many products and medications on the market that can harm your eyes. This is exactly what happened in the Elmiron lawsuit where people developed eye diseases from a prescription drug.

In some instances, your physician may recommend you to take some supplements—if you lack a key nutrient or vitamin in your diet. Regardless, you should always be cautious about the supplements you take. 

Generally, it’s best to get your required nourishment from natural sources like fruits and vegetables. For instance, leafy green vegetables like kale and spinach contain lots of important vitamins and nutrients that support eye health. 

2. Get an annual eye exam

We women lead very busy lives, taking care of our families, work, and other responsibilities. Regardless, it shouldn’t be a reason to skip your annual dilated eye exam. This test can help you detect signs of eye disease and other vision problems at their earliest stages—a critical step to minimizing vision failure. Ensure your eye health by scheduling an appointment with qualified professionals; view eye doctors in Ogden for convenient and comprehensive eye care.

Generally, you want to get an eye exam every one to two years. However, for women with a history of eye disease in the family, experts recommend getting checked more often. These eye exams can also help you detect other conditions that often go hand-in-hand with eye disease, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and other autoimmune diseases.

3. Wear sunglasses when going out

Photo by Dominika Gregušová from Pexels:

Sunglasses are more than just a fashion statement—they can also protect your eyes from the harmful UV rays of the sun. Excessive sun exposure can increase your risk of age-related vision problems. Not to mention UV rays can damage your retinas and cause cataracts or tumors to develop. 

Before stepping out of the house, make sure you have a pair of sunglasses with you. You can even add a sun visor or a cap to your outfit to provide more coverage for your eyes. Remember to put on sunscreen and proper protective clothing if it’s a particularly hot and sunny day. Always have a bottle of clean drinking water ready for you to drink, so you can stay hydrated throughout the day.

4. Consider quitting smoking

Smoking is linked to a variety of health conditions, but did you know it can also affect your eyes? Many people don’t realize that smoking can also lead to vision loss and other eye conditions like dry eye syndrome, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, cataracts, and age-related macular degeneration. 

If you’re a smoker, quitting your smoking habit can help you avoid developing vision-impairing illnesses down the road. Quitting smoking is a process—it won’t just happen overnight. If you want to succeed in taking better care of your eye health, it’s important that you understand this. 

Here are some tips that might be able to help:

Tips to use when trying to quit smoking.

5. Exercise your eyes

The eyes have muscles that help them move, retract, and protract when it’s necessary. Similar to other muscles in your body, the eye muscles also need exercise to stay strong and fit. If you’re not sure what eye exercises you should do, here are a few examples you can try:

Figure Eights – This exercise requires you to draw a horizontal eight with your eyes. Do it once in one direction (right or left) then repeat on the other side. Keep doing this five to 10 times before resting.

Palm Over Eyes – This next exercise is perfect for those who work with computer screens. Cup your palms over your closed eyes, making sure you’re not putting any pressure on them. Let your eyes relax in complete darkness for about 30 seconds to a minute. After a minute, you can open your eyes and continue working. 

Near and Far – If you wear glasses this is a great exercise to do. Raise both your thumbs in front of you, one near and the other a little farther away. Spend 2 seconds focusing on the near thumb, the far one, an object across the room, and something even farther away. 

6. Use eye makeup safely

While eye makeup is generally safe, there are certain products that could potentially put your eye health at risk. Be careful of the makeup products that you use on your face, especially when applying them near your eyes. Only buy from reliable brands and companies to ensure you’re not consuming any harmful chemicals. 

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Remember to remove your eye makeup before going to bed. Wearing it while you sleep can obstruct your tear ducts or trap debris and germs in your eyes, leading to infections and scrapes. To prevent allergic reactions, eye discomfort, and infection, throw away eye makeup that is past its expiration date. Additionally, you should refrain from lending anyone your eye makeup or brushes.

7. Learn more about eyecare

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Becoming more informed about eye health and vision problems can help you develop a more concrete eyecare routine. If you wish to see more information about how to care for your eyes, the following websites might be helpful:

Early detection is key to preventing vision loss and eye disease. While these resources can help you become more educated about eye disease and its treatments, talking to a health professional about your risk of eye disease can often be more helpful.

Don’t wait until the last minute to get your annual eye exam. Contact your physician and schedule a checkup ASAP.

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