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SERWAN ZANGANA: Rep. Ilhan Omar Goes Even Further Astray

Removing Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN5) from the important Foreign Affairs Committee in the House of Representatives was a necessary action the Republicans were right to do in order to assure the legitimacy of the committee. (It should be noted, even though Omar was removed from the Foreign Affairs Committee, she is still allowed to serve on other committees.)

As she has made obvious, Rep. Omar has been harboring a negative perspective toward Israel and aggressively speaking against the Jews. To be clear, my point in this matter is not to defend Israel or legitimize every action of the Israeli government. However, as in every other conflict across the world, the casualties of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are mostly innocent people.

Rep. Omar has never been fair in criticizing the U.S foreign policy as she has constantly attacked U.S actions across the world while taking no thought for the safety of the U.S.A. Her statement comparing the U.S. to Hamas as though the U.S. has committed “unthinkable atrocities” as Hamas has is absurd and raises the question whether she is trustworthy and as a House member actually believes anything good about America.

Regardless of our support of a person or a party, there will be wins and losses as well as removal from office – which is usually based on the actions of the person and/or the motivation of the party in power with the majority rule.

However, being agitated and outraged are normal responses some people take when they don’t get their way. Now, as typical liberals, Rep. Omar and her colleagues’ outrage and disappointment have been twisted into yet another accusation of racism against the Republicans. Such an accusation has no basis in fact, however. It is obvious that the new GOP majority did not remove Rep. Omar from the committee because she is a Black Muslim woman, as her Democrat colleagues claimed.

It is unethical to use race, religion, and even gender as tools to establish a false claim in order to gather sympathetic supporters around oneself. However, this is what Rep. Omar and her colleagues appear to be doing by flashing the race, religion (specifically Islam), and gender cards…all at once!

Take it from me, a Muslim who legally immigrated to the U.S. I clearly see how Rep. Omar and her fellow liberal representatives are deliberately manipulating public opinion by making these completely false accusations that any opposition to her is mere racism and “Islamophobia.”

Throughout her time in Congress, Omar has been a shrill voice against both Republicans and most of the actions that were actually necessary for the benefit of the U.S. On many occasions, she has spoken against the U.S. including her last speech wherein she vowed again to represent and speak up for “the people around the world.”

My question is: Was she elected to represent people around the world, or Americans?

Sadly, Rep. Omar seems to have forgotten that because of the United States, which the Republican Party is part of, she was able to come to America and ascend to a seat in Congress. She also needs to ask herself which party better respects our Islamic beliefs. It is clearly the Republicans.

– Serwan Zangana supported Operation Iraqi Freedom as a U.S Army translator before coming to the U.S from Kurdistan, Iraq in 1997 to seek political asylum. He was granted asylum status and years later proudly became a U.S citizen. He currently serves as a correction officer in Roanoke.





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