The National Day of Prayer is Thursday, May 2. You can search to find a prayer event in or near your area, using the search tool here. Below is information about an event to be held in Daleville.
National Day of Prayer Gathering in Daleville, Botetourt County
DATE: Thursday, May 2, 2024
TIME: 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
LOCATION: VFW, 4902 Roanoke Road (Route 220), Daleville, Virginia
Get some spiritual food on your lunchbreak with encouragement and empowerment to be “salt and light” (Matthew 5:13-16) in this dark world. There is power in prayer, but it also takes men and women of integrity and courage to make a positive difference in our society!
Rain or shine: gather at the covered picnic shelter or indoors if raining.