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“Bike Rack #9” Joins City’s Growing Public Art Collection

“Bike Rack # 9” by John Wilson.

The Roanoke Arts Commission (RAC) has announced the addition of a work of public art to the downtown area.

Artist John Wilson of Wilson Hughes Gallery has donated “Bike Rack # 9” to the City of Roanoke. This original bike rack has been placed adjacent to Wachovia Plaza on Salem Avenue.

“The commission felt this would be a perfect location, as the rack will be used by visitors to the Market area, the Taubman Museum, the Hotel Roanoke and travelers of the Rail Walk,” said RAC Chair Douglas Jackson. “Artful amenities like this make downtown even more inviting.” The design of the bike rack makes its intended use instantly recognizable, with a small bicycle gracing the top of the welded steel piece. The Public Works Department installed the piece two weeks ago, and the Arts Commission added a plaque recognizing the artist’s generous donation.

Wilson stated, “Working with the Roanoke Arts Commission has been a pleasure. Susan [Jennings] and the city helped choose the location and did the installation of this work. This is the perfect location, and I am proud to be part of the city’s public art collection.” Wilson is known for his large-scale sculptures and use of recycled materials. The Arts Commission purchased his “Mutated Snail” from the annual City Art Show in 2008. This piece, made mostly of found objects, welcomes users of the greenway along Wiley Drive near River’s Edge Park.

The Roanoke Arts Commission oversees the city’s growing public art collection, which includes purely aesthetic as well as functional works of art like bike racks and benches.

For more information contact Susan Jennings, Arts and Culture Coordinator,
at 540-853-5652 or [email protected].

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