The Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport saw an increase in July 2020 traffic of 55% over June 2020. July 2020 saw 21,029 passengers fly via ROA compared to 13,566 in June of 2020, an increase of 7,463 passengers. The airport’s gain of 7,463 passengers from June to July equates to 240 more passengers flying each day, as we entered phase three of reopening.
The airport saw a decrease in July 2020 traffic of 65% on a year over year basis. July 2020 saw 21,029 passengers fly via ROA compared to 61,627 in July of 2019, a decrease of 40,598 passengers. Year to date passenger traffic as of July 2020 was down 56% versus 2019 with 174,168 passengers served this year compared to 404,238 in 2019. Despite traffic being down year over year, the downward trend bottomed out in April and passengers are returning to the airport.
“We are pleased to see the passenger traffic rebounding this summer,” stated Timothy T. Bradshaw, A.A.E., executive director of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission. “Passengers are confident in the measures implemented by the airlines and airport to ensure their safety. We hope to see this upward trend continue into the fall as the pandemic threat diminishes. As airlines rebuild their schedules for the new demand environment, it is critical to use our air service to keep it and help our economy grow. We continue to appreciate the support of our community choosing to fly ROA and not driving out of market to fly.”
The Commission continues to work with the airlines to maintain air service the airport has to serve the region. We are open and operational and if the public needs to fly and have implemented enhanced cleaning protocols in place, as do the airlines, to make it as safe as possible. The commission sincerely thanks our customers for choosing to fly ROA.