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Blue Ridge Wildflower Society Announces Native Plant Sale May 28

The Blue Ridge Wildflower Society’s Annual Native Plant Sale will bloom this year on Saturday, May 28, at the Roanoke Council of Garden Clubs, 3640 Colonial Avenue on the grass behind back parking lot.

The sale will be open to the public from 9 a.m. until noon.

This year, our annual plant sale will be moved from the usual Mother’s Day to Saturday, May 28, so the extended time and warmth will help the plants grow a little larger and sell more easily. About 30 species of plants and more than 1,000 pots have been ordered. We will be offering longtime favorites as well as new specimens such as Early Meadow Rue and Solomon’s Plume (False Solomon’s Seal). We are especially excited to announce that we plan to sell about 30 pots of Jack-in-the-Pulpit. In addition, we hope to have at least three varieties of milkweed and plenty of companion nectar plants for the Monarch butterflies.

These sales couldn’t take place without all of you who volunteer your time and labor, donate plants and, of course, buy wildflowers. Our real money makers are the plants that our members donate. Any and all native plants are welcome and will be put to good use at the sale, in our club’s garden, at the Virginia Western Community College Arboretum, and the Science Museum of Western Virginia in downtown Roanoke

As the date gets closer, we will send out emails asking for volunteers and lists of plants that people plan to donate. Michael Belcher will organize the sale. He can be reached at [email protected] or by calling (540) 989-6384.

Learn more by visiting their websites:

Blue Ridge Wildflower Society

Virginia-wide Plant Sale Schedule 2022


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