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Roanoke City Adult Detention Center Offers Specialized Care

In the past six months, the Roanoke City Adult Detention Center, in partnership with its healthcare provider, NaphCare, has implemented new programs to provide specialized care within the detention center. The programs provide effective treatment to individuals with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) or Hepatitis C during incarceration and connect them to community providers that can help maintain treatment upon release.

In June 2022, the detention center launched an onsite Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) continuation program. MAT is the use of medications, counseling and behavioral therapies to treat substance use disorders. The use of medication during incarceration has been proven to reduce postrelease deaths related to OUD.

The Roanoke City Adult Detention Center collaborates with NaphCare and the Roanoke Comprehensive Treatment Center to manage and conduct MAT that includes the provision of recommended, FDA-approved MAT medications such as buprenorphine and methadone. The Roanoke Comprehensive Treatment Center is also able to provide continuation of MAT services at their treatment center upon an individual’s release from custody in order to ensure sustained success in treating OUD.

Roanoke City Adult Detention Center has been a leader in the community and the state of Virginia. Since the launch of the MAT program, other local sheriffs’ offices have reached out to learn more about starting a MAT program in their facilities. Additionally, many local addiction clinics have shown interest in connecting with local jails/detention centers to help establish MAT services for the correctional population. These points of connection have the capability to create great opportunities for correctional healthcare, re-entry care, and the Roanoke community.

The Roanoke City Adult Detention Center has also recently established a relationship with the Council of Community Services Drop-In Center to facilitate continuity of care for individuals with Hepatitis C (HCV) once they leave the detention center. The Drop-In Center provides free education, resources and services to support those with HCV, and the Roanoke City Adult Detention Center has the capability to provide a direct line of referral for individuals upon release.

Both of these new program offerings highlight opportunities to positively affect outcomes for individuals who come through the Roanoke City Adult Detention Center.

Through ongoing community partnerships like these, the Roanoke City Adult Detention Center and NaphCare can address significant health issues for individuals under their care and actively connect them to local groups for continuity of care upon release. Doing so effectively reduces the likelihood of recidivism and negative health outcomes.

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