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Red Fox Kits at Southwest Virginia Wildlife Center Have Finally Opened Their Eyes

On February 21, 2024, six Red Fox kits that were only a few days old arrived at the Southwest Virginia Wildlife Center, freezing cold and barely clinging to life. Their den had flooded and their mother was only able to retrieve 2 of her 8 babies.

Thanks to some antibiotics, round the clock formula feeding, and the care of America’s longest ever serving and world renowned emergency room physician, Lucky Garvin – three of the six kits survived and are doing remarkably well. The center expects them to remain in their care until they can be released in the fall.

Because their eyes are now open, you will notice in the above picture Dr. Garvin is wearing a fox mask when handling them. This is done to ensure the kits do not habituate to humans and remain wild for their eventual return home. Having retired from the emergency room, Dr. Garvin, now spends his days caring for young mammals like the foxes. He also personally raised several Bobcats from closed eyed kittens too!



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